About Me

my name is Felix and I am 19 years old. After finishing High School in Berlin, Germany, I decided to go a year abroad and do voluntary service. The destination is South Africa.
In this blog, you will have the chance to follow me on my journey in this breath-taking country, see pictures of my travels, and read short stories about my work. Enjoy!

Mittwoch, 1. August 2012

The Project

So is this guy going to South Africa for a year to just stroll around and take pretty pictures? Absolutely not. I will spend most of my time working in the " Hobbiton Outdoor Education Centre" in Hogsback, a small scenic town in the Eastern Cape. Hobbiton follows a long tradition - started in 1947 as an outdoor learning camp for disadvantaged children and especially orphans created by the 2nd World War, the centre's target has remained faithful to the old goals. Here, children from all over South Africa's Eastern Cape get the opportunity to escape from the misery and violence of the townships and experience the beauty of the Hogsback mountains, its mystic forests and waterfalls whilst participating in the various outdoor activities that the centre has to offer. The children are also taught important life skills such as Team Building, Leadership courses and many other forms of social interactions and character development that will guide them towards the right path. Hobbiton is a haven that provides a safe surrounding and commendable work for these children and it's an honour for me to take part in this project. 

Feel free to check out their website and gallery - they're definately worth looking at. http://hobbiton.co.za/index.html

1 Kommentar:

  1. just came back from a fantastic school camp in hobbiton on hogsback! it was amazing and felix among all the other wonderful instructors were friendly and encouraging! it was a wonderful experience that I enjoyed very much!
